With our Package Protection, there’s no need to wait weeks (or longer) for claims to be processed by shipping carriers. For only ~3.5% of the package value, protect 100% of your parcel and receive a replacement as soon as we receive your claim.
Carrier status states "delivered", but you have not received it. Depending on where you live, we ask that you allow up to 7 business days for United States domestic shipments. Sometimes the carrier prematurely marks your package as delivered and tries a redelivery, and it then turns up in a secure location at your property or perhaps may be misdelivered. Items that were delivered to your house but stolen either from your mailbox or in front of your house. If your carrier status is not "delivered" and your tracking has not updated for 7 business days from the ship date. We reserve the right to classify this as a ‘delay’ if there is a high volume of parcels in the network and we are aware of delays, otherwise, we will offer a refund or replacement right away.
Items arrive damaged in transit - the product is dented, scratched, or contains a broken element. This does not include packaging, which is designed to protect the product inside. Some of your order is missing due to the package opening and being lost in transit. If your product is damaged, you have seven (7) days from the confirmed delivery date to report damage with photographic evidence. Once we’ve had a chance to review your claim and deemed it legitimate, we will replace the item.
Missing parcels or redelivery fees due to incorrect address information provided by you. Delays in transit, which are the responsibility of carriers like USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc. Order marked as unfulfilled or unshipped. This may be due to inventory issues or order delays. Orders stuck in customs - we cannot be held responsible for customs delays. Please get in touch with your courier and pay required customs fees. If you refuse customs payments, we are not liable for any return to sender fees and these will be deducted from your refund.
If your parcel is lost or damaged, please contact us at hello@thezenco.com from the email address you used to place your order. A member of our customer service team will assist you within 1 working day. What to include in your claim:
Subject Lined: CLAIM for order #12345 (using your order number)
Description of your issue.
Any required photo evidence to show damage to your package.
We will continue to track your order and should it appear after the claim has settled, we request it be sent back to us at our expense.